Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Faster movie billboard...

Faster movie billboardWhen I saw this billboard for Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson's new movie, I naturally assumed it was the new film in the Fast & Furious franchise. With the title, Faster, It would make sense, right? And pitting his muscles against Vin Diesel's should make for a great action film.

Imagine my surprise to find out that there is no connection, so the open highway in the picture behind him and the name itself were just a big tease. Especially funny is that his name is 'Driver' in the movie, so you can't tell me they weren't trying to capitalise on the action credentials of the established car racing franchise a little.

Anyway, this cool billboard was photographed along Beverly Boulevard in L.A. on November 4, 2010. I'm sure Dwayne Johnson is just relieved that he's not doing another family-friendly film like Tooth Fairy.