Friday, November 12, 2010

The Deathly Hallows Harry, Ron and Hermione billboards...

Harry Potter 7 Deathly Halllows billboard
The end is near. Well Part 1 of The Deathly Hallows, that is.

I'm loving these suitably moody billboards for the seventh installment in the Harry Potter film franchise. It's nice to see that the characters look all grimy and haunted, as if they really don't have anywhere to turn and 'Nowhere is Safe' from Voldemort and his followers.
Ron Weasley Harry Potter 7 movie billboard
I'm also surprised to see so much marketing for the new movie, as die-hard Harry Potter fans will go to see the movie regardless and I'm not sure how many new people will go see HP7 if they've not seen the preceding six films. Maybe it's just to whip fans into a frenzy of excitement, and at least it's working on me.

The Hermione creative was photographed along Santa Monica Boulevard at Beverly Glen Boulevard, Ron version along 3rd Street, whilst the Harry billboard was snapped along Beverly Boulevard on October 30, 2010.
Hermione Harry Potter 7 movie billboard