Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Sunset Limited HBO movie billboard...

The Sunset Limited HBO film billboard
Nothing is ever black or white proclaims this billboard for The Sunset Limited, and yet this is a fantastic example of an arresting black and white billboard creative.

Obviously it helps when you have instantly recognisable big names and faces to grab your attention, like Tommy Lee Jones who stars and directs alongside Samuel L. Jackson in this HBO movie adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's play of the same name.
The Sunset Limited HBO billboard
In case you're wondering about the title, 'The Sunset Limited' is the name of the subway train that Tommy Lee Jones' college professor tries to throw himself under in this character drama about two very different strangers brought together by desperate circumstances. Samuel L. Jackson plays the religious ex-con who stops his suicide attempt.

The smaller billboard was snapped on January 19 along Melrose Avenue and the larger creative on the side of the 9000 Sunset Boulevard building on February 9, 2011.
The Sunset Limited HBO movie billboard