Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rango movie billboards...

Rango animated film billboard
What is it with animated characters starting with the letter 'R' in 2011? First there was the blue macaw in Rio and now there's a chameleon called 'Rango', voiced by Johnny Depp, making his cinematic debut.

With those bulging eyes Rango looks naturally comedic, and this fun, colourful billboard really does pop along Sunset Boulevard at the top of La Cienega Boulevard where it was photographed the day it was installed on February 4.
Rango movie billboard
An ever so slightly different creative was snapped along Wilshire Boulevard near the La Brea Tar Pits on February 6, 2011, but my preference is for the version which escapes the constraints of the normal rectangular billboard dimensions.
Rango movie billboard