Monday, December 27, 2010

TV WEEK: The Cape billboard...

The Cape TV billboard
What better way to usher in another TV WEEK here at Daily Billboard than with this heroic looking creative for NBC's new superhero show, The Cape.

Cleverly this billboard looks like it could just be another fashion billboard with a coat flung over the shoulder by a hunky male model, but it always amazes me how networks want to down play the comic book qualities of their shows when ultimately superheroics is what they are about (especially in this one he wears a costume, whilst others series like Heroes and No Ordinary Family have avoided them).
The Cape TV billboard
David Lyons looks suitably dashing as the new face behind the mask and cape, and this super TV billboard was snapped at La Brea Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard on December 24, 2010.

UPDATED: This extra-large billboard for The Cape was snapped at NBC Studios in Burbank, California on January 13, 2011.
The Cape billboard NBC Studios