Friday, June 25, 2010

BONUS WEEK: Virgin America Airline billboards...

Virgin America Pay like Temp billboard
BONUS WEEK continues with two more great Virgin America billboards from the airline's latest advertising campaign.

The previous creative featured on Daily Billboard proved quite popular, but I'm not sure if that was due to the brand or the beefy male model featured on the billboard.

I love the fun tag-lines 'Fly like an exec, pay like a temp', plus I think the latest billboard is especially appropriate for Daily Billboard as it appears I'll be able blog away to my heart's content from thousands of miles up in the air with their inflight WiFi.

This campaign still remains youthful, colourful, witty and vibrant, plus it gets their brand positioning and benefits over so effortlessly. It certainly makes me want to fly Virgin America.

These airline billboards were photographed on May 12 and June 16 2010 along Melrose Avenue in L.A., respectively.
Virgin America inflight wi-fi billboard