Wednesday, March 3, 2010

OSCAR WEEK: The Hurt Locker movie billboard...

The Hurt Locker movie billboardI don't usually go for 'war movies', but The Hurt Locker was incredibly well made and certainly the most tense movie experience of 2009 for me.

I love this billboard for the movie celebrating its nine well-deserved Oscar nominations and it was photographed above Mel's Diner on Sunset Boulevard on February 10, 2010.

Kathryn Bigelow deserves the Oscar for Best Director at least, but there's also nods for Jeremy Renner as Actor in a Leading Role, Best Picture, Cinematography, Film Editing, Music (Original Score), Sound Editing, Sound Mixing and Writing (Original Screenplay).

Check out these fantastic pictures of the bomb suit used in The Hurt Locker on display and visit Jason in Hollywood for a film review of The Hurt Locker.