Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"Crews setting up new filming Locations in Woods."

Crew setting up in Woods
A Vampire Speed tredmill

Work tents set up in Woods

Cables set up on Trees

Cables set about 30 feet off the ground in the woods.

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Further construction for lights, camera action.

Cables along trees.

Workers delivering equipment.

This may be a new filming location for Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn.  I believe they are prepping this wooded area for future filming of Breaking Dawn. They started last week and I noticed yesterday they were continuing work on stringing cables through the trees.  They were also building a scaffolding system in a clearing and had a few tents set up at different areas in the Woods.

It was last fall when I first noticed the Location Scouting team back in this wooded area.,
I believe it will be used for some stunt work with the stunt actors jumping from tree branch  to tree branch much in the same way Rachel Lefevre did while shooting New Moon.

Stay tuned for more details on this location shoot in Vancouver.