Sunday, April 24, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Leaves Jail After Posting $75,000 Bail

Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Images
Lindsay Lohan Posts $75,000 Bail, Released From Custody

On Friday, the actress was sentenced to 120 days behind bars for violating probation by allegedly stealing a necklace.

Actress Lindsay Lohan posted $75,000 bail and was released from police custody Friday night in Los Angeles. The Mean Girls star had been sentenced to 120 days behind bars for violating probation by allegedly stealing a $2,500 necklace from a boutique in Venice, Calif.

The theft case had been reduced from grand theft to a misdemanor on Friday.
Lohan's attorney appealed the sentence Friday.
In addition to her jail time, Lohan was also sentenced to almost 500 hours of community service, including 300 hours at a women's shelter and time at the county morgue.
Lohan's legal troubles began in earnest in 2007 when she was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence and police found what appeared to be cocaine in her vehicle. She has since bounced in and out of rehab, repeatedly violated probation and skipped or appeared late for several court dates.