Monday, March 14, 2011

TRIO DAY: Sucker Punch movie billboards...

Sucker Punch shooting billboard
Today at Daily Billboard you're treated to three fantastical billboards for Zack Snyder's forthcoming Sucker Punch movie. From the looks of this reality-bending imagery it appears that Sucker Punch will give cinema an action-packed shot in the arm to kick the year into high gear.

If you like these amazing billboards, be sure to check out these original costumes worn by the female cast from Sucker Punch on display.
Sucker Punch Samurai billboard
Battling mechanoid machines, flying dragons and killer samurai, what more can you ask for in a movie.

All these billboard creatives were snapped along Melrose Avenue or La Brea Avenue on March 3, 2011.
Sucker Punch Babydoll billboard