Friday, July 22, 2011

Twilight Stars Discuss 'Breaking Dawn' Sex Scene | Hollywood | Hollywood Latest News

robert pattinson and kristen stewartThe Harry Potter series may be over, but the Twilight saga is still going strong and there's one thing that all Twi-hards want to know for the upcoming film of Breaking Dawn Part 1 -- the details about the highly anticipated sex scene of course!  First comes love, then comes marriage, and now it's time for the moment every Edward and Bella fan has been waiting for - sex!  Robert Pattinson commented on that particular part of the film at Comic-Con this week saying “It’s funny because things like the love scene aren’t really in the book, I guess people will be kind of surprised or interested in what they end up like.” And it sounds like fans aren't going to be disappointed.  Kristen Stewarthinted, “All of the really iconic bits, like the first love scene [are in the movie]...I’ve seen the movie… it’s very, very close to the book. And weadd a few things too, yeah, there’s a few little surprises.”  Let's hope so, we've waited long enough!

Stewart also made mention that she had an unusual amount of access to the author while filming the love scene commenting, 
“It’s actually the most Stephenie has been on set, every single day I was able to talk to her all the time, any time I wanted to."  The actress adds, “She’s always been incredibly involved, but not to that extent. So she’s defiantly really infused into this one in sort of an amazing way.”  She probably just wants to make sure the fans aren't robbed of the juicy details that were disappointingly skipped over in the book.  Now's her chance to make up for it.  Fans are thirsty for more!
The first installment of Breaking Dawn hits theaters on November 18, 2011 and and Part 2 will premiere the following year on November 16, 2012.  November seriously can't come soon enough!

Source: Access Hollywood