Thursday, April 21, 2011

*Save Endangered Sea Turtles for Earth Day

Scientists estimate that 6.4 million tons of garbage are dumped into the ocean every year. The massive amount of garbage that litters our oceans is one of the main reasons why nearly half of the world’s species of sea turtles currently face extinction.  This issue is particularly serious in the South China Sea, a major lane of migration for many species of sea turtles.  Luckily, at least one organization is dedicated to protecting these cute critters.
Sea Turtles 911 is a non-profit organization based on China’s island province of Hainan, the southernmost Chinese region.  In addition to the work they do year-round­­­­—dubbed the “Five R’s: Rescue, Report, Rehabilitate, Reproduce and Release”—on Earth Day 2011, Sea Turtles 911 will partner with student volunteers, tourists and the staff of the local Ritz-Carlton for its first Earth Day beach cleanup!  Not only will they comb the beaches for refuse—a task of particular importance because sea turtles lay their eggs on beaches—they will also educate tourists and locals alike on the danger posed to the survival of turtles around the world by the increasing human consumption of turtle meat.
Earth Day Network applauds Sea Turtles 911’s efforts. It’s not too late for you to help make the planet safer and healthier! Organize orjoin in an Earth Day activity, using our free Earth Day and educational resources!