Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Jackass 3D Crashed Jet Ski movie billboard...

Jackass 3D jet ski movie billboard
What's this, Jackass 3D movie billboards two days in a row? Is there a shortage of quality billboards you ask? Why no, it's just that I couldn't resist sharing this supremely cool billboard installation for the forthcoming movie along the Sunset Strip in L.A.
Jackass 3d jet ski movie billboard
It all starts off quite simply with this fun jet ski rider billboard. Colourful and impactful, but standard fare you say? Then check out the next billboard to be found further along the road behind the normal creative.
Jackass 3D jet ski ramp billboard
How cool is this billboard? There's actually a ramp and crashed jet ski lodged in the billboard. Now, that's 3D.
Jackass 3D crashed jet ski billboard
Talk about bringing the movie to life with an eye-catching and memorable billboard installation, which has great PR value.
Jackass jet ski ramp 3D billboard
Jackass 3D crashed jet ski billboard
These clever billboards were photographed along Sunset Boulevard at the top of La Cienega Boulevard on October 3, 2010.
Jackass 3D crashed jet ski Sunset Strip billboardCrashed jet ski Jackass 3D billboard