Saturday, October 16, 2010

DUO DAY: Maker's Mark whisky billboards...

Maker's Mark whisky straws billboard Sunset Strip
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see these billboards for Maker's Mark (aside from the gigantic bottle, that is)? For me it's 'fun'.

I think they've done a really good job of making the Maker's Mark whisky bottle the hero of these advertisements, but with great humour so they don't feel old and stuffy, or too brand overkill at all. I love everyone using the straws to try and sneak a drink out of the side of the 9000 Sunset Boulevard building, it's very clever.

These fabulous witty billboard creatives were photographed along L.A.'s Sunset Strip on October 8 and along Sant Monica Boulevard at Corinth Avenue on October 11, 2010, respectively.Maker's Mark available for adoption billboard