Wednesday, August 25, 2010

William Shatner $#*! My Dad Says TV billboard...

William Shatner TV billboardOh, how the mighty have fallen. From sci-fi's infamous Captain James T. Kirk to some show about $#*! my dad says.

Mr. Shatner are you just angry that they killed off your character in Star Trek Generations and that Spock was used in J.J. Abrams successful big screen remake?

Anyway that was my initial thoughts when I saw this billboard featuring William Shatner. It turns out he's the star of a new sitcom based on the Twitter feed by comedy writer Justin Halpern, although 'Bleep' my dad says is the toned down version of the original source material, which was apparently about quotes from his father Sam.

The controversial name and slightly annoyed looking William Shatner all make this TV billboard stand out. It was photographed opposite the CBS Studios on Fairfax Avenue in L.A. on August 13, 2010.