Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Switch movie billboard...

The Switch movie billboardDon't get this new movie confused with 1991's Switch which saw a male chauvinist reincarnated as a woman (Ellen Barkin) after being murdered. And it's not another one of those Big, 13 going on 30 or 17 Again, kid/grown-up life swap movies. Oh no, this is something totally different (and what would you expect from the minds behind Juno and Little Miss Sunshine?).

Instead The Switch, starring Jennifer Aniston and Jason Bateman, involves artificial insemination and some switched sperm samples. Need I say more? And as the penny drops, you can see the reason for the actors expressions in this billboard.

This witty movie billboard was photographed along Beverly Boulevard in L.A. on August 2, 2010.

The most unexpected comedy ever conceived, indeed.