Sunday, May 9, 2010

BONUS WEEK: True Blood TV teaser billboards...

This week on Daily Billboard it's bonus time and you get two billboards for the price of one, be they from the same movie, television show or fashion designer.

To kick us off in style are these fantastic teaser billboards for the second and third season of HBO's raunchy vampire TV show, True Blood.

Sometimes the anticipation for a new season of a much-loved show turns out to be far better than the actual episodes themselves, so let's hope Sookie Stackhouse and her merry band of vampires and shape-shifters in Bon Temps, Louisiana don't disappoint.

The spectacular 'Rehydrate' billboard for season three was taken on May 5, 2010 on the side of the 9000 building on Sunset Boulevard, whilst season two's 'Ready for new blood?' creative was photographed further down the Sunset Strip on April 25, 2009.

You'll also find other billboards for True Blood on Daily Billboard so why not take a look around and see what you can find.
True Blood season 2 TV teaser billboard