Friday, June 24, 2011

TRIO DAY: Ben & Jerry's ice-cream billboards...

Ben and Jerry's NY Super Fudge Chunk billboard
Now here's a treat for today, three delicious ice-cream flavours from Ben & Jerry's in billboard format.
Ben and Jerry's Hand-picked Cherries billboard
These inventive, quirky billboard ads are just what you'd expect from such a fun brand as Ben & Jerry's.
Ben and Jerry's Family Farms billboard
By focusing on the quality and sources of their ingredients, like family farms and hand-pickedcherries, the brand can make people feel even better about eating their delicious wares, without thinking too much about all the calories.
Ben and Jerry's Chunk Generosity billboard
The Chunk Generosity and Hand-picked Cherries billboard creatives were snapped along La Cienega Boulevard in L.A. on May 27 and the Family Farms version photographed along Santa Monica Boulevard on June 13, 2011.
Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia ice-cream billboard
Daily Billboard has to confess that Everything but the... flavour is a favourite, accompanied with a scoop or two of FroYo Cheery Garcia (for some 'healthy' fruit to balance dessert).
Ben and Jerry's Cookie dough billboard