Tuesday, June 28, 2011

MOVIE WEEK: Harry Potter It All Ends billboards...

Harry Potter It All Ends movie billboard
So spectacular and anticipated a cinematic event, that these movie billboard don't even need a film title or a Harry Potter thunderbolt logo for people to know what they are about. Let's face it, if you've stuck with Harry this far through all eight movies, you know this is where it all ends.
Harry Potter 8 Voldemort billboard
Warner Bros. Studios made such a good decision to split the final book, The Deathly Hallows, into two parts, as not only do they cash in on the blockbuster movies, but we get to enjoy two sets of billboards.

Harry Potter 8 Ron and Hermione bilboard
These dramatic new billboards for the final installment, featuring Harry, Ron, Hermione and Voldemort, were snapped along La Cienega Boulevard, Beverly Boulevard and Melrose Avenue on June 21, 2011.
Harry Potter It All Ends movie billboard
This larger creative featuring the three friends who've experienced so much together was photographed along Vine Street at Sunset Boulevard on June 23, 2011.
Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Part 2 billboard
It's the end of an era, let's hope the movie goes out with a bang.
Harry Potter Voldemort billboard
UPDATED: Here's another fantastic billboard for Deathly Hallows Part two also spied at Sunset & Vine in Hollywood on June 28, 2011.
Harry Potter Voldemort It All Ends billboard